Before the Internet,you had two ways to get your sports news;The sportspage,or television.Ted Turner had launched a great channel called WTBS/TBS Superstation in the late seventies-early eighties.I stayed up late many nights watching old movies,and Braves baseball games.I was an insomniac as a a kid.
CNN was started in 1980.Another project from Turner.
CNN Sports Tonight ran from 1980-2001.It was a great way to get the tennis results.The usual hosts were Nick Charles,and Fred Hickman.The show had a great team of sportscasters,but the Charles/Hickman pairing was classic.
The show aired several times during the night.The first at 11:00pm eastern,then two repeats later that night.During Major events,or in the event of an upset tennis may have been a big story that night.But most of the time it would be in the last five minutes of the broadcast.I knew I could count on it.Most nights for about twenty years,I would make the effort to see the tennis news.I also watched ESPN Sportscenter,but the show was longer and it was hard to catch the tennis.Then there was a channel that ran from 1996-2002 called CNNSI that was all sports news all the time.It was great.CNNSI had an international sports news show that would reliably give me the tennis news several times a day.CNNSI was just not able to compete with the ESPN networks,and the repercussions of September 11th.
Then I got on the Internet and that's another matter.
Yesterday I'm drinking coffee and reading the news on CNN.There's a picture of a haggard old man in a ball cap.Something to do with sports,and he's dying of cancer.I think he's probably an old baseball player.I didn't recognize him.I click the story.It's Nick Charles.
How many nights for almost twenty years did I see this man? Nick Charles was not a tennis guy.But he was a very fine sportscaster.Professional,smooth,easy to listen to,well presented,attractive.He had all the qualities they are looking for when they hire a person to give you the news.
I read the story.Terminal bladder cancer.
It seems like he's facing it with considerable grace.As best as he can.
Nothing to say but it's sad.Nobody deserves this agony.
Sad to see him going through this.
All I can say is;Thanks Nick.
Thanks for doing a great job.Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for sports.It was appreciated.
Have as many good days with the people you love as you can now.
The link to the CNN story will probably not last long,but there it is for now.